Monday, September 10, 2007

Chan Chan #2

Rains and earthquakes have destroyed the walls for many years; however, we can still see their designs in murals in the Tshudi Palace, the only one of the ten citadels that survived.
las lluvias y los terremotos han destruido las paredes año tras año, sin embargo, aún podemos ver sus diseños en murales en el PAlacio Tshudi, la única de las diez ciudadelas que sobrevivió.

7 comentarios:

Olivier said...

c'est vraiment magnifique, de la dentelle

it is really splendid, of lace

Dave said...

Just gogled Chan Chan. Its very interesting how they had a class system and separated the workers from the nobility. Not much change from the present in some countries.

Anonymous said...

Amazing adobe walls still look good. How many years exposed to weather?

Yes, I would probably have taken the picture of the exotic bird had I been there.

Thanks for your visit.

Carlos Lorenzo said...

Un templo de adobe que aún tiene un aspecto estupendo a pesar del desgaste. Muy buena selección.

Bergson said...

Thank you for the visit, I had never intended to speak about this city. I have just discovered his history in

Annie said...

It IS a treasure of a place.

JAM said...

It would be such fun to wander around this place. Nice photos. Those worn walls are very fascinating.