Sunday, August 26, 2007

New door, old house

new door for the new renter? or the door of the renter who went away?

After the earthquake in the south of the country, specialists in construction have questioned the use of adobes (mud bricks), by thousands of years people from the peruvian north coast has used adobes to construct their houses, the land gift “pachamama” was the mud and thus it stays until today.

Since today, I'll post in spanish too, some friends suggested me and I think they're right.

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¿nueva puerta para el nuevo inquilino? o ¿la puerta del que se fue?

Después del terremoto en el sur del pais, especialistas en construcción han cuestionado el uso del adobe, por miles de años la costa norte ha usado el adobe para construir sus casas, el regalo de la tierra "pachamama" fue el barro y así se mantiene hasta hoy.

Desde hoy postearé en español también, a sugerencia de algunos amigos, creo que es buena idea.

7 comentarios:

Anonymous said...

thanks for your visit.
Me gusta esta foto, es una metáfora certera. Y pues sí, gran idea la de postear en español, será de gran ayuda para quienes como yo, somos hispanoparlantes.


Annie said...

That's a very picturesque photo, GiuCe. Are you saying that adobe has more trouble in earthquakes than other construction?

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

The new door looks much better of the 2.
Spanish? iBueno!

Front Porch Society said...

Love this photo!! :)

photowannabe said...

I really like the new and old and the design on the adobe walls.
Thanks for visiting my blog and your nice comments.

Victoria said...

I like the contrast here...

Meg said...

I love the colors.