Sunday, April 08, 2007


If you go back to Trujillo from Huanchaco beach, you'll find a place on the road where eat some typical food... These aren't donnouts but maybe they have a similar shape, these are called "picarones", which is a sweet, ring-shaped fritter with a pumpkin base; often served with a molasses syrup. Picarones are very popular and it's no easy to get this shape to cook them.

4 comentarios:

Dave said...

Umm can almost taste them.....

Annie said...

I like the name - and I'd probably love the taste.

Olivier said...

Hummm je note je note, cela a l'air tres delicieux (bien qu'apres la folie de pâques, il va falloir que je fasse un regime ;o) )

Hummm I note I note, that has the very delicious air (although after the madness of Easter, it will be necessary that I make a diet ;O))

Emily M said...

I would love to try picarones sometime.