Sunday, March 25, 2007


I don't know what they drawn on the wall but I know they need a lot of time to do it, I guess this is a sight of their group...

4 comentarios:

Dsole said...

oh con las manos en la masa!
pero me sientomás intrigada con ese dibujo a medio hacer en el que se distingue la cara de una persona... nunca me gustaron mucho los graffitis de firmas..
Buena semana, GiuCe :)

Annie said...

Yes, I agree, it looks like it took some considerable time to get all that on the wall.

photowannabe said...

Interesting shot. Most doing graffitti try to hide and not be quite as visible as these two are.

Nathalie H.D. said...

So the second photo is the finished product?
It is so rare to see these in the making! Here they are mostly done at night!!!