Si visitas la playa de Huanchaco, siempre encontrarás a este señor y su caballo. La primavera aún está fría pero ambos trabajan en la playa durante todo el año, él es fotógrafo. Mucha gente visita la playe todo el tiempo, así que él siempre tendrá clientes.
7 comentarios:
Very nice photograph. Very peaceful looking.
Sorry that I have not been around much lately. I have been working on my website trying to add a few things at a time. I just added horses. The link is below if you are interested.
j'aime bien cette ballade sur la plage
I like this walk on the beach
There is something very peaceful and calming about this photo. Thanks for sharing :)
Love this photo. A dream.
Great composition of the man and his thoughts. I like the heavy grey clouds
Wonderful photo. This could be anyone taking a walk on the beach since you don't see the face. This one would make a great wall hanging.
I love the photo and the idea to meet this man at sunset on a desert beach.
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