Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Just lamps

This kind of streetlamp you can find at Trujillo's downtown, it's very characteristic. In some cases, these have been replaced for new moldels of lamps.

4 comentarios:

Annie said...

These do look Spanish to me. And the color on the building is wonderfully rich and deep.

Dave said...

Modern lights may be more efficient but they don't have the character of these.

Olivier said...

voila une belle famille de lampe. j'aime beaucoup ce type de lampadaire. a prendre en photo le soir, avec les ombres

veiled a beautiful family of lamp. I like much this type of standard lamp. has to take in photograph the evening, with the shades

photowannabe said...

I would love to see these in our city. They have so much character. Nice shot.